Plain natural bamboo toothbrush
Sustainable eco friendly bamboo toothbrush
Plain natural bamboo toothbrush

Plain natural bamboo toothbrush

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Plain natural bamboo toothbrush

Soft bristle bamboo wood brush

Brushing our teeth has been a part of our daily routines for so long that we rarely give it much thought, but thanks to the rising awareness of plastic pollution, more of us are reconsidering our everyday choices.

It’s estimated that 3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes are used worldwide every year, with the average person using 300 in their lifetime. Unfortunately, roughly 80 per cent of these end up in the sea, where they pose a risk to marine life and habitats.

Each toothbrush takes up to a thousand years to decompose, so it’s little wonder that by 2050 it’s predicted that there will be a higher volume of plastic in the oceans than fish.


Bamboo can be a very sustainable crop; a fast growing grass, it requires no fertiliser and self-regenerates from its own roots, so it doesn't need to be replanted. The advantages are clear.